Le cinéma sans la télévision

Written by an amazing number of cinema's specialists, Le cinema sans la television is a wonderful opened door to movie world.
We found around the table Jean Michel Frodon ( leading the Cahier du cinema), Michel Reilhac (Directing Cinema section for Arte France), Marie-Jose Mondzain (philosophe, EHESS-CNRS), Laurence Herszberg (directing the Forum des images), Alain Bergala ( critic, cineast, teaching in Femis), and some 10 or 20 other of the same high-level.

Written in 2004 on the basis of some meeting-days, it is composing a conversation-like style which never get tired : the ideas are poping one after the other without stop.
Going from pure "TV vs Cine", to "spectator's liberty and movies" through "philosophical consequences of numerical revolution" and "integration of time and space in photos &movies", this book give an excellent key to enter the cinema world.

Subjects are treated with wide opening ideas and real clear style. It goes in fact much more behind the sample problem of cinema with or without TV. It treats about what is cinema, what is TV as a sociological matter and how each mode of diffusion is changing the real nature of the images, and inversion of power between cineast and spectator.

It can only speak to each one of us who are using each day these different medias, and we just read here some specialists taking position and analysing jests and behaviours we are making each days. Impressive.

This to say this book is treating much more subjects than only Le cinema sans la television. At the end of the day we also guess a possible future problematic : La television sans le cinema.

To read without hesitation.

Book's website (in french) :

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