Happy new year 2008 !

Again a year which begin :)
And this year is promissing for our project, as we detected not less than 16 festivals to visit, on which we find 1 in Italy and 1 in Russia, the rest being in France !
Now we have to concentrate on writing the needed documents to describe our project. Hard but useful task to fix the minds around a clear definition of what will we do...
So, for 2008 we fix 3 taks :

  1. Participating to the 16 festivals ( it is the hardest one)
  2. Put in line a definitive website ( it is hard, but achievable )
  3. Publish the status of the Association ( should be done by end february of March
Well, a constructive year that begin, with the first festival in rouen, from 15 till 26 of january : Regards sur les cinemas du sud => http://www.touslescinemasdumonde.eu.

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